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East Midlands Institute of Technology

Approach Building


The East Midlands Institute of Technology (EMIoT) is set to deliver a future-fit workforce for digital and low carbon economies across the region.

Going for clean growth

The (EMIoT) represents a far-reaching partnership between Derby College Group, the , , and . In close collaboration with major employers, they are working to align higher level skills training and qualifications with the region’s specific economic needs.

The EMIoT will focus in particular on developing advanced skills for the digital and low carbon sectors. Its research-informed, employer-led courses in Engineering, Digital, Construction and Leadership will help businesses to upskill their workforce and pave the way for students to excel in the many technical careers now emerging in the clean growth arena.

What are Institutes of Technology?

Located across England, Institutes of Technology (IoTs) are a national network bringing together experienced education providers and leading industry employers to deliver world-class technical education and training.

They provide higher level courses serving a range of STEM occupations and industries. These courses will fill skills gaps in regional economies while boosting students’ career prospects.

The is one of 21 Institutes of Technology being established. Its development is supported by the Department for Education, which has provided capital funding and strategic direction, and the Gatsby Foundation.

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Courses on offer in 2024

ÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ courses offered as part of EMIoT in 2024 will include:

ÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ Higher and Degree Apprenticeships offered as part of the EMIoT will include:

Find out more about:

  • T Levels at ÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ – we led the way regionally in introducing these two-year qualifications equivalent to three A-levels. They combine classroom learning with an extended industry placement on programmes designed in partnership with businesses.
  • Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) at ÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳– we offer a growing range of specialist technical courses developed with employers and delivered by industry experts. Our first HTQs are in Professional Construction.
  • Higher Education at ÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ – we offer innovative, flexible and responsive higher education programmes. In the 2023 National Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) we were rated Gold for the outcomes achieved by our higher education students and Silver overall.
  • Higher and Degree Apprenticeships at ÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ – some courses provided through the EMIoT can be taken as part of an apprenticeship programme to help employers meet their workforce development goals.

Cutting-edge facilities

South West Approach Building

South West Approach

ÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ is set to become one of three hub sites for the new Institute of Technology. The Stephenson Building on our iconic Roundhouse campus is currently being expanded, adding 1100 square metres to house new facilities for Construction, Engineering, Digital and Leadership training at Levels 4 to 6.

Scheduled to be completed by September 2024, the building will be net zero and will feature cutting-edge technology allowing teaching to be carried out on-site or anywhere in the world.

Our industry partners

The EMIoT enjoys major input from leading-name employers – including , , , , , and – to ensure its courses level up the workforce with the right skills.

Their industry insights are helping to shape the EMIoT curriculum and extend opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience. The range of real-world learning initiatives on offer will include work placements, site visits, live project briefs, masterclasses and professional mentoring including career planning.

Future plans

By 2030 the EMIoT is set to have 1,200 students on its books, taking courses spanning Levels 3 to 7. At ÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳, a broad spectrum of Institute of Technology courses will be developed in the curriculum areas of Computing, Business, Health and Social Care, Architectural Technology, Quantity Surveying, Civil Engineering and STEM Teacher Training.

We also plan to offer micro credentials, which are short courses that are typically taught over a period of 4 – 12 weeks and usually include content from modules that form part of existing programmes. Micro credentials are designed to support individuals to upskill or reskill for work in rapidly growing and dynamic industries, without the time and financial commitment of a full course or programme. We hope to offer micro credentials that can stand alone as independent credentials, as well as offering academic credit to use towards validated programmes.

IOT Course Listings at ÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳


BEng (Hons) Engineering (Top Up) – 1 year

Course Type: Higher Education
Location: The Roundhouse
Subject Area: Engineering


Foundation Degree in Integrated Engineering – 2 years

Course Type: Higher Education
Location: The Roundhouse
Subject Area: Engineering


Manufacturing Engineer (Degree) – Apprenticeship Standard Level 6

Course Type: Apprenticeships
Location: The Roundhouse
Subject Area: Engineering


Product Design and Development Engineer (Degree) Apprenticeship – Level 6

Course Type: Apprenticeships
Location: The Roundhouse
Subject Area: Engineering