Learning and Skills Teacher Apprenticeship
ÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ is offering a well-established and innovative route to qualifying as a teacher in the Post-14 sector: a supportive and rigorous Higher Apprenticeship route.
Course Summary
Course Information for Students
Who is this course for?
Our trainees consistently exit as outstanding practitioners. Employment data is very positive and most trainees secure relevant teaching jobs or enhance their teaching role in the sector. Our cohorts come from a broad range of contexts across secondary education, further education and non-mainstream provision, allowing for a rich sharing of experiences to enhance learning opportunities.
Building on this success, ÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ is offering a well-established and innovative route to qualifying as a teacher in the Post-14 sector: a supportive and rigorous Higher Apprenticeship route. The apprentice teacher will earn as they learn and enjoy significant opportunity to develop their professional practice in classroom, work-based and workshop settings.
What are the benefits to you?
Specific Skills:
- Undertaking educational research and applying learning to practice
- Generic teaching, learning and assessment knowledge, theory and skills, including promoting positive behaviours for learning
- Subject pedagogy
- Professional behaviours of a teacher
- Practising of safeguarding
- Utilising digital technology
Transferable Skills:
- Effective communication
- Reflective practice
- Building resilience
- Stakeholder engagement
- Relationship building/engagement
Entry Requirements
- Teacher apprenticeship contract – a minimum of 2.5 years to enable End Point Assessment following two years of learning
- Evidence of a Level 3 (at least) qualification in your own subject-specialism
- Evidence of an approved Level 2 qualification in English Language and Maths (or a commitment to achieve these prior to the End Point Assessment)
- A mentor in the organisation where you work to support your development
What will you learn?
In order to evidence the apprenticeship standards and become an outstanding teacher who has a positive impact on learners in the sector, you will work towards a set of qualifications. If you haven’t already got these qualifications, you are required to demonstrate:
- The nine professional duties
- The knowledge, skills and behaviours described in the occupational standards
In addition to mandatory qualifications you may wish to enhance your studies by undertaking optional short courses in:
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties
How will you learn?
You will have study time to work in your curriculum team and to attend College to work towards qualifications, meet with your personal tutor, plan your own professional development and prepare for End Point Assessment.
What will you need to bring with you?
How will you be assessed?
The apprentice teacher will be assessed using varied methods, including assignments, collaborative presentations, poster presentations and reflections. Alongside this, there will be observations of your teaching practice conducted by our expert tutors in the Teacher Training Academy or by your workplace mentor.
You will also have an End Point Assessment consisting of a lesson observation followed by a professional discussion carried out by an External End Point Assessor. A second professional discussion, supported by your portfolio of evidence, is again conducted by an External End Point Assessor. This is conducted by an independent End Point Assessment Centre. Assessment is robust, meaningful and developmental.
Where next?
- QTLS: professional formation for the FE and Skills sector, equating to QTS in schools
- A permanent position as a teacher in Post-14 education, for example in schools, FE colleges, training providers and prison education
- A BA (Hons) Education Studies or Masters in Education (depending on your prior qualifications)
Who do you contact for more information?
For more information, contact Derby College Group on 0800 0280289 or enquiries@derby-college.ac.uk
Is there any financial support available?
Course Information for Employers
Apprenticeship summary
Are they any entry requirements for my apprentice?
What is required from the employer in the workplace?
Behaviours expected within the role
What qualification will my apprentice gain?
What will the assessment look like?
Will my apprentice need to come into college?
Is there any specialist equipment required?
What progression can my apprentice expect after completion of their apprenticeship?
What job roles will this apprenticeship be suitable for?
Will the college help me find an apprentice?
You may already have someone in your organisation or someone has come to you direct asking for an apprenticeship, but if you don’t we have a free recruitment service to help you hire the best candidate for your organisation from our talent pool and external advertising through social media and the national apprenticeship services website
Contact us
If you are an employer and you would like to know more, please email businessenquiries@derby-college.ac.uk or call 01332 387421
Career Information
This course could lead to one of these careers...
Further Education Teaching Professionals
Special and Additional Needs Education Teaching Professionals
Teaching Professionals
Higher Education Teaching Professionals
ÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ Success Stories
Discover how our students have achieved success. Their hard work and dedication to learning has enabled them to succeed in rewarding careers or progress onto higher education.
We encourage progress and aspirational outcomes by guiding people onto learning pathways that lead to positive destinations. Our students have gone on to achieve great things since leaving the College. We would like to share some of their inspiring success stories with you.
Get Started...
Use our online application form to apply for this course.
Course Information Last Updated On: December 1, 2023 3:54 pm